January in Michigan
Today is the last day of January and we've had a cold and snowy winter thus far. After spending the first week of January in Florida with Steve and Marta, we returned home and burrowed in for cold and snowy days. This winter has been colder and snowier than many winters in my The picture shows the view of our backyard from the family room window. Can you see the animal tracks in the snow? We are sharing our surroundings with lots of deer, rabbits, squirrels, and probably some other animals. I can see a kind of walking trail in our backyard that small animals are using, maybe in their hunt for food which has to be pretty hard unless they stored some away for the winter.
I've been reading (6 books during January), sewing (working on two baby quilts), and knitting (a clapotis scarf for Cathy which should have been done by Christmas but which I finished yesterday, and a cardigan for me, all done but the sleeves.) My January life is so different from the other seasons because it's very easy to stay in the house. I love to take walks outside but have decided that if the temperature is much below 20 degrees, it's just too uncomfortable. We go to our exercise class at the community college so we try to stay fit even in the winter. I'm thinking in another month I can start to look for crocus popping up in the yard.
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