Sunday at the Lake House

We've been enjoying a wonderful weekend in New York at Tom and Kelly's lake house. Saturday was very warm and beautiful so we were busy with outdoor activities. We did some painting, raking, and other small tasks around the house.
Sunday morning we went to a beautiful and friendly little church near here. Matthew was all dressed up in his carseat ready to go.

Here are Tom, Kelly, and Matthew at the end of the service when we were ready to leave. The church has beautiful stained glass windows which you can see in the background.
Matthew was so good and fell asleep at the end. There is a rocking chair in the very back of the church where a grandmother can sit and rock a sleepy baby, and he even stayed asleep when he transferred to his father's arms!

Matthew enjoys spending time on the floor, crawling, and playing with toys. When we arrived here Friday evening, he was curious and very cautious about us, but now he readily smiles and puts his arms up to me for picking up.
Here he is climbing on his father. At 11 months he will soon take his first steps. We could see he was practicing standing and almost letting go with both hands. He's very curious about many things, especially likes getting into the box where his toys and various items are stored.
It is spring in the Northern Hemisphere of the world. Here is a beautiful picture of cherry blossoms in Japan.
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