Steve and Marta have a happy family. Marta and Gabriel returned from Spain one week ago after a two week visit with Marta's family. Marta said the weather in Spain was warm and beautiful. When she arrived in Chicago the frigid temperatures were a big change and a shock!

Coco is a fashion conscious dog and also enjoys being warm. Here she is in her new leopard spot fleece coat which I just made for her. Isn't she a good model? On very cold days she has a selection of several fleece coats in various colors that she can wear outdoors.
The most fun for Tony and me is playing with Gabriel. He loves dinosaurs, bugs, Scooby Doo and Spiderman. He had a very good report from his school which mentioned, to his grandfather's pride, that he has an aptitude for mathematics! (Tony is a mathematician.)

Hi Joan! Congratulations about your blog! I liked your dog, in Portuguese her name means other things! This is something funny bettween languages :) Anyway, congratulations!
Coco is sooooooo cute! And gabriel is a doll!
Coco is sooooooo cute! And gabriel is a doll!
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