We've been a little busy. Last week, Father McElduff, pictured here in our living room with Tony, visited. He is an old friend and the priest who married us 41 years ago. He is in very fine shape for a young man of 85 years, keeping busy helping people as he always had in his Pennsylvania town. He and Tony went to northern Michigan for a couple of days to see Machinac Island and look at the lakes.

Then I went on to Scarlett's house and enjoyed every minute with her. Is there anything better than rocking a sleepy baby until she falls asleep? She is 15 months old now and enjoys so many things. I took her to McDonald's for the first time in her life, not to eat, but to visit the play area. Another day we went to the mall which has a large play area for small children. Scarlett is very careful, holds on to my leg for awhile before deciding to take off and play a little, but carefully and thoughtfully.
I seem to be making a lot of cabbage rolls lately! Scarlett's parents, Sasha and Cathy, pictured here, requested cabbage rolls. Cathy doesn't eat meat so I made this version with ground turkey. I made enough so there were leftovers for the next day.
Sunday afternoon I came back home, stopping for a little while to have a little lunch with Steve. It is good to go away and it's also good to come home again.

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