Friday, May 28, 2010

It looks like summer has arrived at our house.

Our side yard:

Our front entrance:

The circle around the tree in our front yard:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My student Sachie has studied the Japanese art of flower arranging, called Ikebana. Today Sachie cut and arranged some yellow irises that are growing near our front door. (Steve and Marta, you gave us these iris bulbs from your Michigan house!) I like the arrangement so much. It has simple pure lines.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Visit to Florida
We just spent several wonderful days with Steve, Marta, Gabe, and Alejandra in Southern Florida:

Alejandra is 15 months old, can now walk, and is a little doll:

Gabe Studies Tae Kwan Do and now has his green belt:


One day we went to the beach:

After a very hot day, the backyard pool was so refreshing: