We had such a wonderful Labor Day weekend when Steve, Marta, Gabe, Ale, Cathy, and Scarlett came. It was a very busy weekend!
Friday we went to Michigan State, had lunch with Carole and Keith at the International Center, and went to the museum.

Saturday the guys watched Michigan State Football, Cathy ran 20 miles, and Marta and I took the kids to Domino Farms in Ann Arbor to pet the animals. Then in the evening we went to the Chinese buffet.

Sunday was such a beautiful end of summer kind of day, with just a little chill in the air (finally after so many hot and humid days!) We were invited to the lake by Dee and Walt and enjoyed a wonderful ride on their new pontoon boat. Some of the little people got in the driver's seat and took a turn (with a little help) navigating the waters!

So much fun!!!