During the taekwando class the instructor invited the fathers to join their sons in a match. Steve is in a blue shirt toward the back of the group. He and Gabe enjoyed taekwando together.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
We enjoyed visiting Gabe's tae kwan do class. Here he is in his uniform. Doesn't he look awesome?
Here's Marta modeling some new dresses. Isn't she pretty?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
We are so lucky to get away from Michigan's colder weather and spend some time in southern Florida with Steve, Marta, Gabe, and Alejandra.
I was invited to a Thanksgiving celebration at Gabe's school.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Runners
Saturday was a beautiful day, warm and sunny for November. We enjoyed some time at Cascades Park.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tyler and Matt enjoy each other so much. Ty is almost ready to crawl and can either roll all over the room or pull himself by his arms. I was thinking that the next time I see them, Tyler will be walking. Kelly and Tom are really busy with these two delightful little boys!
We just spent a wonderful weekend with Tom and Kelly at the lake house enjoying Matt and Tyler.
Wherever I go, I find children happy to help with cookie making:
Grandpa has a talent for getting babies to take their naps:
Matt and Tyler are so cute together:
The most beautiful smile in the world:
Monday, November 02, 2009
My Grandchildren on Halloween:
Tyler, the elephant, with his brother Matt, the football player