Matthew is my new grandson, born just 12 days ago. We are now at his house, arriving Tuesday after a 12 hour drive straight across on highway 80 from Michigan to New Jersey. The GPS is a big help, especially after arriving in New Jersey, telling us exactly when to turn and how far to go. How did we ever manage without a GPS?
Meeting Matthew was a magical moment. He is a beautiful baby with clear skin, fine features, medium brown hair and blond eyebrows. He's a very good baby, cooing and grunting when awake, looking around, especially focusing on his grandfather. He becomes just a little fussy when hungry but I have yet to hear him really full out cry. I love to sit with him and rock in the rocking chair. I think the rocking motion is very soothing for babies (and also grandmas?)
Kelly is doing very well, tired in the way that new mothers always are, getting used to the routine of waking up several times at night, recovering from all that has happened in the last few weeks. After she feeds Matthew, I try to get her to take naps herself. A new baby takes lots of energy.
Also I like to take a walk here when I have a few available moments. We are in Maplewood, New Jersey, a small and picturesque town only a train ride away from Times Square in NYC. We can see lots of trees, people walking, older homes with small well kept yards. A downtown area is a few blocks away with boutiques and upscale restaurants featuring various cuisines, one of which is Japanese. A large park is nearby where groups of school children are playing lacrosse, a game which Tom and Kelly say is big here, but consider too dangerous for Matthew when he is older.
Pictures will be in my next post.